‭(781) 775-7981

Strom Law

One of the challenges of any small business is getting in front of the right people. For an attorney, this can be even harder because of regulations, compliance, and general market aversion. But with a targetted and trackable ad campaign, anything is possible. What would have taken hours and hours of manual outreach was put on autopilot and generated a steady flow of interested and qualified leads through a targetted and strategic campaign.

Creative Direction
Web Design
Digital Marketing
Web Development
Strom Law
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Strom Law

David Nathan and Scaler Marketing should be the first call for anyone in the need of marketing advice and/or web design! Their services are phenomenal. Designs and messaging were impeccable and have increased my number of strong leads exponentially. David also takes exceptional pride in his work and is committed to the success of his projects. He walked me through the process step-by-step and made sure I understood everything, and to this day, he still checks in on how it's going and helps brainstorm ways to improve it. And, of course, it doesn't hurt, that he's the type of guy anyone would enjoy having a beer/glass of wine/appetizer with.

Jeffrey Strom

Scaler Marketing - Nature